Nyoshul Lungtok Tenpe Nyima

Today is the anniversary of Nyoshul Lungtok (1829-1901), one of the greatest Dzogchen masters of the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse or Longchen Nyingtik.

“Lungtok's root teacher was Paltrul Rinpoche. Living with Paltrul for twenty-eight years without separation, he received the transmissions of various teachings and especially Nyingthig teachings of Longchen Rabjam and Jigme Lingpa. He received the instructions of Trekcho teachings, which introduced him to the primordial purity that is present as the ultimate nature of all phenomenal existence. He received the instructions of Thogal teachings, which introduced him to the luminous appearances as the three Buddha bodies.”


“One evening, while Paltrul was lying [in his grassy meadow] as usual, he asked Lungtok, "Lungche [Dear Lung]! Did you say that you do not know the true nature of the mind?" Lungtok answered, "Yes, sir, I don't." Paltrul said, "Oh, there is nothing not to know. Come here." So Lungtok went to him. Paltrul said, "Lie down, as I am lying, and look at the sky." As Lungtok did so, the conversation went on as follows:

"Do you see the stars in the sky?"


"Do you hear the dogs barking in Dzogchen Monastery [at a far distance]?"


"Well, that is the meditation."

At that moment, Lungtok attained. confidence in the realization in itself. He had been liberated from the conceptual fetters of "it is" or "it is not." He had realized the primordial wisdom, the naked union of emptiness and intrinsic awareness, the Buddha Mind.”


Nyoshul Lungtok
(Rigpa Wiki)

Nyoshul Lugtok was the greatest realized disciple of Paltrul Rinpoche. There is a saying, "If there is no Lungtok, Paltrul is childless.

- Extracts taken from Thondup, Masters of Meditation and Miracles, pages 222-225.


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