Report May 2024 Supplementary Texts & Non-Profit

This month we have published seven minor new translations: all the supplementary texts for the Longchen Nyingtik sadhanas according to the tradition of Dodrupchen. We are also excited to share the news that we at the Longchen Nyingtik Project have started the process to become a non-profit organization! We hope to be able to complete all the work that goes into that by the end of the year and will keep you posted.

© Tertön Sogyal Trust. Used with permission.

We have made a new page called Supplementary Texts that explains the purpose of these texts. Many of the sādhanas of the Nyingma tradition practiced these days are treasure texts (terma) and most of these treasures are ‘root texts’. When these are practiced individually or in groups, often many liturgies, for example the ‘white torma offering’ (kator), short lines and mantras, are supplemented to the ‘root text’, since these elements are needed for the practice to be complete. Each tradition, or often even each monastery, has its own supplementary texts, which then becomes a certain ritual tradition.

Whenever a sādhana of the Longchen Nyingtik, such as Rigdzin Düpa or Yumka, is practiced, these supplementary texts are needed. In the Tibetan tradition monastics, and occasionally also diligent lay practitioners, have often memorized these supplementary texts by heart.


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Report April 2024 Jigme Lingpa’s Aspiration & Vajrasattva