Report May 2022

This month we translated and published one commentary, once again on the Avalokiteśvara practice of the Natural Liberation of Suffering of the Longchen Nyingtik cycle. After A Guide to Yumka, which we published earlier this year, it is our longest text to date and the most extensive commentary on Dukngal Rangdrol that is available to us.

Dukngal Rangdrol from a tanka of Dodrupchen Monastery

Written by Khenpo Pema Vajra (c. 1807–1884), one of the teachers of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, the Ornament of the Vidyādharas’ Wisdom: A Recitation Manual for the Great Compassionate One, Natural Liberation of Suffering (Dukngal Rangdrol) gives a detailed explanation of how to do the retreat on Avalokiteśvara. It gives clear instructions on how beginners should practice the approach phase and how advanced practitioners should practice the approach and accomplishment phases in union, relying mostly on Jigme Lingpa's own commentary The Visionary Instructions. It concludes with an overview of how the path is brought to fruition.


Report June 2022


Report April 2022